Vibration test system for spacecraft component testing

Oct 5, 2022 | Testing, Vibration

Vibration test system for spacecraft component testing is one of the most important test items of space systems. One of the primary goals of vibration testing are to verify the design and to detect manufacturing issues of spacecraft, subsystems and units that could result in in-flight failures


A-Series Vibration Shaker 

A-series is the “new standard” in vibration testing, with a solid test performance. A-series increases the relative excitation force and has a displacement of 76.2 mmp-p (3 inch stroke) *¹ which gives good balance between specification of velocity, acceleration and displacement. Rapid creation of a test from a set of pre-defined templates conforming to most international test standards. Simply select the standard required to generate the main test settings.

Vibration test system for spacecraft component testing

IMV A65  Shaker specification

Frequency range from 0-2600 Hz

Force rating of 65kN Sine

Force rating of 65kN Random

Force rating of 130kN Shock

Displacement of 76.2 mmp-p

1g Dynamics HBT 750 mm Slip table specification

The HBT Series design provides a high over-turning moment and cross-axial restraint. This concept combines a standard slip table assembly with 3,000-psi hydrostatic bearings to provide high dynamic moment restraint while preserving the damping characteristics of an oil film. This system allows testing of tall and heavy products with high centers gravity by reacting moments through the hydrostatic bearings. Cross-axis motion is constrained and is typically less than 10% of input at frequencies up to 2000 Hz. except at resonance. 

High dynamic moment restraint 

Hydrostatic bearings restrain high Pitch, Roll and Yaw moments 

Light weight magnesium slip plate 

IMV Shaker Vertical

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