Calibration of a test chamber

Jun 13, 2023 | Testing

Calibration of a test chamber in accordance with IEC 60068-3-5 involves verifying that the chamber’s performance meets the requirements of the standard. Here are the steps involved in calibrating a test chamber in accordance with IEC 60068-3-5:

The first step is to ensure that the test chamber is clean and empty. All sensors and measuring equipment should be properly installed and calibrated.

Ambient Conditions:
The test chamber should be operated at the ambient conditions specified in IEC 60068-3-5. These conditions include a temperature range of 5°C to 35°C and a relative humidity range of 25% to 75%.

Temperature #calibration :
The temperature inside the chamber should be calibrated using a calibrated reference thermometer. The temperature should be measured at various points inside the chamber, and the readings should be compared to the reference #thermometer

Humidity Calibration:
The humidity inside the chamber should be calibrated using a calibrated hygrometer. The humidity should be measured at various points inside the chamber, and the readings should be compared to the reference hygrometer.

Performance Verification:
After the temperature and humidity calibration, the performance of the chamber should be #verified. This involves conducting a test using a test specimen and measuring the temperature and humidity conditions inside the chamber during the test. The measured values should be compared to the requirements specified in IEC 60068-3-5.

Documentation: All calibration and performance verification results should be recorded and documented in a calibration report.

By following these steps, the test chamber can be calibrated in accordance with IEC 60068-3-5, ensuring that the chamber’s performance meets the requirements of the standard.

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