Accelerometers and Angle Sensors
Single axis, triaxial accelerometers and impulse hammers for vibration measurement and structural modal analysis.
VIBRATION SENSORS: High quality IEPE and charge based accelerometers can be used in lab and industrial environments.
MODAL HAMMER: Modal hammer complements sensor set for structural analysis.
ANGLE SENSORS: A range of tacho and tape angle sensors can be used in applications like order tracking, rotational and torsional vibrations.
TEDS: IEPE accelerometers and modal hammers feature TEDS chip for sensor detection. Just connect the sensor and measure.
Vibration sensors
For standard measurements or modal analysis single axis, I1T-50g-1 and isolated triaxial I3T-50G-1 IEPE cube accelerometer with 50 g range is recommended.
I1AI-500G-1 is a miniature accelerometer intended for measurement of higher vibration up to 500g.
Accelerometers are equipped with TEDS smart sensor interface. DEWESoft software automatically detects the sensor and sets correct scaling.
All our vibrations sensors are fully compatible with our vibration shakers line.
Angle sensors
Angle sensors can be used for measurement of rotational angle and velocity. Sensors can be directly connected to any counter input on SIRIUS, MNITAURs or DEWE-43.
DS-TACHO1 is isolated tacho sensor with variable threshold and up to 100 V input signal.
DS-TACHO2 is optical tacho sensor for up to 1 m distance and 4 kHz bandwidth.
DS-TACHO3 is long-range laser tacho probe for up to 7.5 m distance and 4 kHz bandwidth.
DS-TACHO4 is high-frequency tape and tacho laser probe for up to 100 kHz bandwidth and 2-5 mm distance.
Angle sensors are perfect complementary sensors for applications like order tracking.
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