High-accuracy Current Sensors and Transducers
High-accuracy sensors for AC/DC current measurement and power analysis. From current clamps to high-precision zero flux current transducers and Rogowsky coils.
AC/DC CURRENT MEASUREMENT: Dewesoft offers high-accuracy zero-flux current transducers, Rogowski coils, current clamps and shunts for AC and DC current measurement.
HIGH ACCURACY: Highly precise zero flux current transducers or fluxgate compensated clamps are a perfect fit for the most demanding power measurements for E-mobility and electric motor and inverter testing applications.
UP TO 30 000 AMPS: We offer a very wide range of current measurement ranges up to 30 000 (30 thousand) A.
-40°C to +85°C: Our current transducers can operate in a wide temperature range. This is ideal for winter (-40°C) or summer climate testing (+85°C)
INTEGRATED SENSOR POWER SUPPLY: The majority of the current transducers can be powered directly out of the Dewesoft data acquisition devices, such as SIRIUS, SIRIUS XHS, R2DB, R8, or KRYPTON. For current transducers with a higher power demand such as zero flux transducers and fluxgate transducers an MCTS is required, this device can be integrated into an all in one device or be free-standing in the world-renowned SIRIUS chassis.
FLEXIBLE: There are more than 1000 different current sensors available on the market. If you want to connect your own current sensor, we are delighted to help you. Dewesoft DAQ systems allow connecting any type of current transducers.
Zero-Flux Transducers
Dewesoft IT series of zero-flux transducers offer highly precise current measurements with linearity below 0.002% ranging from 60 A to 1000 A RMS, featuring up to 800 kHz bandwidth which makes them perfect for E-Mobility and inverter motor measurements.
Use integrated Dewesoft SIRIUS PWR-MCTS2 power supply for powering these current transducers directly from Dewesoft instruments without any external power supply.
Please see the full technical specification for more details.
AC/DC Current Clamps
The Hall Effect is conveniently used to measure both the AC and DC current. The advantages of hall-compensated AC/DC current clamps are the high accuracy, a high bandwidth, the measurement of AC and DC currents and the circuit doesn’t need to be opened.
The DS-CLAMP-xxDC offers measurement ranges up to 1800 A DC and ACrms, with a bandwidth up to 100 kHz depending on the model.
Hall compensated clamps offer measurement accuracy from 1% to 3,5% depending on the measurement range. Operating temperatures from 15°C to 85°C, and the ability to measure coil diameters up to 32 mm depending on the model.
Our current transducers are a perfect fit for our data acquisition systems and can precisely measure AC/DC current with up to 0.03% accuracy. TEDS equipped for automatic detection and setup.
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