
Sine Reduction Test

Integrate and synchronize the data acquisition system seamlessly with your vibration shaker COLA signal and perform a powerful evaluation of structural properties on unlimited channels in real time.

The solution offers a simple setup. Calculations are performed in real time and on any number of input channels. Our award-winning data acquisition software comes with lifetime free updates and free technical support.


Sine Reduction Test

Integrate and synchronize the data acquisition system seamlessly with your vibration shaker COLA signal and perform a powerful evaluation of structural properties on unlimited channels in real time.

The solution offers a simple setup. Calculations are performed in real time and on any number of input channels. Our award-winning data acquisition software comes with lifetime free updates and free technical support.



Sine reduction (also known as sine processing) is a method of performing structural tests on large structures. The method can identify and analyze natural frequencies by exciting them with a sweep of single frequencies.

Vibration signals from accelerometers and force sensors mounted on the structure are measured together with sweep frequency and are being tracked, recorded, and analyzed by the data acquisition system in real-time. As desired output, sine processing returns the structural resonance frequencies, amplitudes, phase, THD (total harmonic distortion) of response, and also transfer functions between excitation and response points.

The COLA signal from the vibration shaker controller is used as the frequency reference for the signal analysis.

What is a COLA signal?

The COLA signal (Constant Output Level Amplitude) is a constant voltage sine wave that frequency tracks the Drive signal frequency during the Sine Control test. It is the same frequency as the excitation frequency.

Dewesoft sine processing solution is the most powerful structural analysis tool which supports the evaluation of responses and transfer functions on an unlimited number of channels, all in real-time.

Sine Reduction Test

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Sine Processing Functionality

Sine vibration testing applies a single frequency to a test item and selectively excites resonant structures within the device. In a swept sine test a vibration sine tone is ramped up and down through a range of frequencies and for a specified rate and duration.

Our system provides the real-time calculation and functions of the excitation frequency:

  • Detection of amplitude, frequency, and phase of the vibration reference
  • Extraction of harmonic components (Peak and RMS) of all measured signals
  • Extraction of the overall broadband signal (Peak and RMS) level of all measured signals
  • Calculation of transfer function (FRF, coherence, etc.) and the total harmonic distortion (THD) between the reference signal and any point measured on DUT.
  • Calculation of the fundamental and its harmonics.

Flexible and Powerful Data Acquisition System

Sine reduction tests frequently require a large number of input channels. The unique architecture of our SIRIUS data acquisition systems allows us to perform the test on unlimited input channels. Even more, the data acquisition can always be extended to add additional channels, if your tests require that at any time. With no additional software licensing costs.

Many configuration possibilities:

  • 8- or 16-channel IEPE slices which can be stacked and daisy-chained together to form a large channel system
  • 32-, 64- or 128-channel single box IEPE systems which can also additionally be daisy-chained to form large systems with virtually unlimited channel count.

The Best Signal Amplifiers with 160 dB Dynamic Range

SIRIUS data acquisition systems offer the world’s best signal amplifiers for vibration sensors (IEPE, MEMS, Charge).

DualCoreADC® Technology – Dual 24-bit AD Converters

Amplifiers offer a high dynamic range up to 160 dB and signal to noise ratio of more than 130 dB. This is 20 times better than 24-bit systems and 20 times less noise.

The DualCoreADC technology solves often faced problems with signal measurement – input overload, noise, and artificial frequencies in the signal caused by aliasing. The input signal can be higher than expected (out-of-range) and therefore clipped by the ADC. This will result in an incorrect measurement and you will have to repeat the test all over again.

DualCoreADC technology prevents these problems. Each channel amplifier has two AD converters that always measure the high and low gain of the input signal. This results in the full possible measuring range of the sensor and prevents the signal from being clipped.

Galvanic Isolation

The data acquisition system includes high galvanic channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation (±1000 V). It even includes an isolated sensor excitation.

With such isolation, we have no problem measuring high voltage potentials and no problem with common-mode voltages. We are also safe with measurements like vibrations, temperatures, or any other measurement where non-isolated sensors are placed next to the high voltage potential against the DAQ system ground. In such cases, a non-isolated DAQ system would burn or at least give faulty wrong results. With SIRIUS it is just one thing less to worry about.

Digital isolation has another big advantage – preserving the frequency bandwidth of the amplifiers. SIRIUS provides “worry-free” measurements, less noise, no ground loops, and the best possible signal quality.

TEDS Sensor Technology

Dewesift data acquisition systems support TEDS sensor technology for automatic sensor detection and setup. Simply connect the sensor to an input channel on our data acquisition system and the sensor will be automatically detected and set up immediately.

Both reading and writing to TEDS (IEEE 1451) are supported directly in the Dewesoft X software. An extensive sensor database and editor are available which gives you a simple way to build your sensor database for future use.

Our data acquisition systems are compatible with any 3rd party vibration sensors including IEPE, charge, and MEMS accelerometers. In other words, you can always use your existing sensor inventory.

Sine Processing Applications and Case Study

Sine reduction and processing tests enable the detection, identification, and analysis of the tested products’ ability to function in a vibration environment, fatigue life, resonant frequencies, or even squeak and rattle sound output (NVH).

The test is used to validate and qualify product designs and to establish operational limits in a range of industries:

  • Aerospace: e.g. launch system providers or satellite manufacturers.
  • Automotive: e.g. engine mounted components.
  • Defense, ground transport, and any manufacturer of larger structures that have limited room for failure and must perform perfectly on deployment.

A typical application that uses the sine processing test method is for Satellite qualification testing. Additionally, you can check the case study “Structural Testing of Rocket Cone​​​​​​​”.