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Salt for Salt Spray Testing

Intended for Corrosion tests, such as ASTM B117,ASTM D2247etc.





Salt for Salt Spray Testing

Intended for Corrosion tests, such as ASTM B117,ASTM D2247etc.





Salt for Salt Spray Testing

  • Highest purity salt for fully compliant testing
  • For all salt spray testing including the stringent ASTM B117
  • Available in 25Kg drums or bags
  • Drums are with a scoop to maintain purity when handling



Despite the fact that salt is a commonly occurring compound, pure sodium chloride (NaCl) is much more difficult to come by. Because of its hygroscopic nature, which tends to make salt coagulate and solidify, most granulated salt has anti-caking agents added. However, the addition of these agents is prohibited by most salt spray test standards.

For example, the world’s most popular salt spray test standard; ASTM B117, prohibits the addition of anticaking agents, and also limits other impurities, as follows:

  • total impurities < 0.3%,
  • halides excluding chloride < 0.1%,
  • copper< 0.3ppm 

so the salt must be very pure indeed, with the limit for copper in particular set at an extremely low level.

Other national and international test standards for corrosion testing are similarly demanding in their specifications. To ensure compliance with the highest standards, Ascott has had Corro-Salt independently analysed by an UKAS* accredited laboratory.

*UKAS = United Kingdom Accreditation Service.

Specification – Typical analysis

  • Total impurities < 0.1 %
  • Bromide < 0.01 %
  • Fluoride < 0.01 %
  • Iodide < 0.01 %
  • Copper < 0.3 ppm
  • Code Description
  • SALA530 25 kg drum of salt with scoop
  • SALA500 25 kg bag of salt