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Climate Test Chamber

EXCAL² Climatic Test Chamber

Intended for Temperature and Humidity tests.

All  EXCAL are eco-friendly. This is the combination of the Energy Saving mode and the use of a next generation, F-Gas Ready refrigerants.




Climate Test Chamber

EXCAL² Climatic Test Chamber

Intended for Temperature and Humidity tests.

All  EXCAL are eco-friendly. This is the combination of the Energy Saving mode and the use of a next generation, F-Gas Ready refrigerants.





8 EXCAL standard test volumes

151 l, 227 l, 400 l, 540 l, 770 l, 1000 l, 1400 l, 1800


Temperature range: from -90°C to +180°C
Humidity range: HR from 5% to 98% (for temperatures from +10°C to +90°C)
An unparalleled high performance panel : from 0.5°C/min to 25°C/min

  • Homogeneity: +/- 0.4 °C to +/- 1.5 °C
  • Temperature regulation stability: +/- 0.1 °C to +/- 0.3 °C
  • Humidity regulation stability: +/- 2 %
Climate Test Chamber

Demostration Video

